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A Piece on DMT

Dimethyltryptamine AKA the God molecule. It's one of the most common chemicals in ethnobotanicals (plants that let you see God). It occurs naturally in most mammals as part of our endocrine system yet its purpose is unknown it's hypothesised to be integral to dreaming. As such its amongst the least dangerous hallucinogens, it still has its risks but it's accessible to the newer psychonaut but essential to the experienced. As it's a substance our body produces it gets broken down quickly, ingesting it alone has no effect as the stomach acids destroy it immediately. If it's taken alone it should be smoked in plant or crystal form or it can be made into a tea with an MAOI like Ayahuasca.

What plants?
There's a multitude that contain it but the 2 most powerful are Salvia Divinorum and Acacia. It's recently been postulated that Acacia is the burning bush through which the Judaic God spoke to Moses.

What is it good for?
People take it to commune with God, for me this has been a direct link from conscious to sub-conscious and a feeling the universe is talking to me. The latter isn't as strange as it sounds, to truly understand the world outside one needs to look within. The sub-conscious holds our connections to past lives that's where this connection feels like the universe is talking to you.

Whats it like?
My preference is to use it as an aid to my mediation, whilst it has some fun fractal hallucinations in the waking world it's ability to facilitate enlightenment far out weighs that. I will load a pipe, start my chant and try still my mind. After that prep of about 15 to 20 minutes I'll smoke the bowl, drawing the smoke as deep as possible and holding it. Finish the bowl and let the trance take over. It will begin with fractal like visuals in the darkness forming into archetypal images, dragons, the Buddha a multitude of things. From there through previous attempts I focus on an opening happening at my crown this feels to facilitate the connection better. I find it best to let what comes, come. Allow the sub-conscious talk to me and question as I need. All in all the trip only lasts about 15 minutes but while I'm meditating it feels like a few hours, this demonstrates the flimsy nature of time and our perception along it linearly.

What have I learnt?
There are a few personal revelations that will remain personal, I'll just say it will help you realise the things you do wrong and help you improve.
People fear intelligent individuals, the ones willing to learn and expand their minds. We're a threat to those seeking to control.
To know the world outside you, you must look within.
Always be prepared to change your mind.
Try not have beliefs.
Never assume you're more intelligent, better or worse than anyone else, we all have skills others don't.
Perception is key to everything.
Our perception of other people is a reflection of ourselves, we view aspects of ourselves in other people, often when we don't like someone it's most likely we don't like something we see of ourselves... Sometimes they're just ass holes.
It is essential to remember this is how people interact with us too.
Question everything even the mundane. Small answers help us understand other things we may not expect.
Experiment with other ideas, think like that, experience like that but remember you don't have to stay like that.
I got my chant from a DMT trip, 'ho chi jah roh' it doesn't mean anything as far as I know, it helps me still my mind.
Using previous trips, recalling and remembering them during meditation will help induce the state.

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