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A Brief Breakdown of Fascism

Constantly explaining fascism has driven to write this post and boarder line repetition based psychosis. Which is why this post is dedicated to Ranto... You know who you are!This also means from the SJW misuse of the term fascist.

A fascist is originally a word to describe a bundle of sticks tied around an axe handle (so fascists are similar to faggots), it was then used as a symbol of nationalist socialist movements in Europe to appeal to the working class especially wood cutters, the biggest of those was the Nationalistischer Sozialist der Deutschland Republik (Nationalist Socialist of the German Republic) which outside of Germany was abbreviated as Nazi.

The strange thing is a lot of what led up to fascist politics is right wing ideals roughly starting with Hegel's 'Elements of the Philosophy of Right' which first postulated or near outright stated “the state is the march of God through the world.”. Followed by Carlye's 'On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History' which espouses a "great man" ideal. Which is immediately flawed as we must remember all people are created equal so anyone who deems themselves great enough to lead is just as flawed and prone to error as you or I. This method of leadership is akin to monarchy. Friedrich List 'The National System of Political Economy' which goes into protectionism, infrastructure spending, and government control and support of industry, essentially a strong link between business and government. This is where it starts going socialist, state control of the means of production etc. the difference being the state is a body over the people not of the people. Next author to look is Charles Darwin, he might be good at natural science but not politics. In 'The Descent of Man' long story short he suggests eugenics because it works so well in farming. Let's move on to 'Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro' by Frederick Hoffman, this isn't a statistics based piece like 'The Bell Curve' by Charles A. Murray and Richard Herrnstein. Race traits is pure "the criminal negro mind" bullshit which inspired Jim Crow. Moving on to Madison Grant's 'The Passing of the Great Race' which suggests sterilisation as “practical, merciful, and inevitable solution of the whole problem”, I'll leave that there. This leads nicely to Oswald Spengler's 'The Decline of the West' simply it suggests liberalism is dead (well that was a 100 years too early), and suggests a the only option was a monolithic cultural based government. Essentially starting the battle between communism and fascism. Next look at the friend/enemy politics of Carl Schmidt in 'The Concept of the Political' something we see continue in modern politics like America vs Russia or America vs ISIS or America vs... Jeebus guys get out together! I can't do this without mentioning Adolf Hitler's seminal piece 'Mein Kampf' which draws together a lot of the above work into one piece promoting 1 nation/people/culture united under God to be prosperous and strong. It's a strong piece of writing that appeals to a person's ego, making themselves feel better about themselves and think that Hitler had them and there nations interests at heart, fooling them into a cult of the state.

You maybe thinking I've left out Friedrich Nietzsche, I haven't. Nietzsche despised socialism in all forms, he was a writer who pushes his reader to question everything and think for themselves, he considered the Germans to be beer swilling louts do could not subscribe to the Nazi agenda of a superior race. A large chunk of his ideals were to transcend the idea of statehood and for people to be strong on there own terms, supporting themselves. His works got co-opted after his death by his sister who owned the rights to his books, her husband being a senior member of the Nazi party.

Hopefully this explains a little about what fascism actually is and helps you realise that there's little difference in the modus operandi of Fascism and Socialism, both being authoritarian statists, demanding detriment of individual rights in favour of the community with no consideration that the community is a group of individuals.

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