One of the biggest arguments against cannabis is "it's a gateway drug". I'm going to propose a few reasons this is wrong.
Mis-education: People are often taught the dangers of cannabis in a greatly exaggerated manner, this will cause people to think the dangers of other drugs are exaggerated too.
Criminals or pushers: Criminals sell drugs, to get cannabis someone is most likely going to be dealing with a serious criminal. Cannabis has the lowest mark-up of any drug, so it's in a criminals interest to sell something more profitable.
Substance abuse: Through escapism people will want to get out of there heads, cannabis isn't all that great at this but is the light start, people who want to escape will start light and work up. Very few start with heroin.
So what can be done?
Education: dis-spell the myths about cannabis, ensure people know the difference between cannabis and hard drugs.
Decriminalise: moving cannabis sale from criminals to legitimate taxed businesses changes the dynamic, a legitimate cannabis seller will be pushing nothing worse than smoking accessories and munchies.
Psychiatric care: the substance abuser will always exist, it could be alcohol, cannabis, paint or anything. There issue lies in the psychological no matter how much prohibition is introduced they'll find something, it can only be resolved with adequate psychiatric help.
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